Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Travelogue Spring Break 2011, Day 11: Durango

Thank you for following VidaMaz all this time. We have now moved over to WordPress, primarily because we want to use just one interface for work and family/personal. Please join us in the new location:

In that new location, if you notice a post that hasn't made the transfer intact, something missing or in need of correction, please let us know! 


Dianne and Greg


  1. I thought the "Devil's BAckbone" was a majestic and interesting drive although, like you, would not want to do it regularly. Our hotel was right across the street from the cathedral on that pedestrian walkway and also about $30. didn't get to Cremeria Wallender..that is a shame as it is well worth the stop..only about 3-4 blocks from the cathedral on a residential street. So unique.

  2. No, next time we'll get there, Zoe. It sounds great. By the time we were in Durango we were tired and ready to get home. It was a terrific trip, and always nice to be home too :) Thanks for following our adventures! I hope you've been enjoying this great weather! The humidity is so refreshing after the dryness in Zac.


Thank you for sharing with us what you think!