Saturday, August 20, 2011

Caimanero & Walamo: Day Trip from Mazatlán

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Dianne and Greg


  1. Looks like a great day trip. Turn right in Villa Union?

  2. Paul,

    After you cross the bridge into Villa Union, stay in the right lane. Quickly, you will see a sign that says El Walamo with an arrow to the right. The street does not look like much and you will question whether it is the correct street or not. It is. The road will take a series of twists and turns. Just follow it. It will take you into and through Walamo and eventually to Caimanero. The restaurant we go to is the second one as you pass the malecon.



  3. La Perla Costera is the name of the restaurant.

  4. They say the best restaurant there for zarandeado, the one with the freshest fish, is the first one: El Tigre. Whenever we've gone it's so crowded there that we end up at La Perla next door.

  5. I live in walamo if you ever come again i can show you around here. my email is


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