Sunday, September 18, 2011

Un Domingo Típico Mazatleco/Sunday Afternoon in Mazatlán

Thank you for following VidaMaz all this time. We have now moved over to WordPress, primarily because we want to use just one interface for work and family/personal. Please join us in the new location:

In that new location, if you notice a post that hasn't made the transfer intact, something missing or in need of correction, please let us know! 


Dianne and Greg


  1. Hola Amiga,

    Nice pictures, ohh how I miss my beatiful Mazatlan and the Pacificos and Sea Food.

    Thanks for bringing me good memories with the Pictures. Take Care Blessings!

  2. Soooo happy the photos and memories brought you joy! Yeah! Thanks for posting the comment.


Thank you for sharing with us what you think!