Saturday, September 1, 2012

An "Aha!" into Mexican Culture

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Dianne and Greg


  1. I guess that must be the name for what I used to do when I lived in Mazatlán… I moved in primarily Mexican circles, only one gringo I regularly associated with, and he was functionally Mazatleco. I learned to make several sets of plans or options for myself, even if ultimately it was just 'plan c: do whatever I feel like doing'. Once I got used to doing things that way I found I liked it better than living life by a day-planner. I also learned that not every 'plan' was really a plan, if that makes any sense. It's more like we were discussing possibilities. And I learned to sense which ones were likely to happen, as well as for which ones it was truly important to show up…

    When I was courting my future wife, I remember telling my American friend that she was always thirty minutes late for dates, etc… He replied, "Wow! Only thirty minutes late? She really likes you!"

  2. WONDERFUL story, Brian! Great insights, too, and they sure resonate with my own. Thank you for sharing! Life is a learning adventure for sure. Where are you now?

    1. We're in the Seattle area now, where, needless to say, a different set of cultural constructs apply. Had a wonderful trip to Mazatlán back in February - our first vacation in 4 years. Looking forward to Christmas in Mazatlán this year, our first in 6 years.

  3. I lived in Mexico for a year in college (10 years ago), and when I visit, I really have to talk myself through similar situations. This is a good explanation.

  4. Sooo true, Katie. We went up north for a few weeks this summer, and we found we really had to "talk ourselves through" things to re-acculturate and remember (how to drive, how to negotiate relationships with US friends and family). Crossing cultures is soooo delightful, and much more so when done consciously! ;) Thank you for sharing!


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