Saturday, April 23, 2011

Travelogue Spring Break 2011, Day 7, Good Friday: Zacatecas

Thank you for following VidaMaz all this time. We have now moved over to WordPress, primarily because we want to use just one interface for work and family/personal. Please join us in the new location:

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Dianne and Greg


  1. I can't tell you how much fun it is to read your comments about Zacatecas. I was surprised at the mask photos you were able to take as I thought for sure photos were forbidden, or maybe that was just in some rooms. It seems you picked the perfect time to go there and I love the idea of free art classes. So much in Mexico is tuned toward the PEOPLE and not the peso/dollar; that is as it should be. I hope Danny is up to snuff now. Maybe we should go again next year during the cultural festival.Hard to repeat cities when there are so many to see in this country, but some just leave a warm fuzzy feeling more so than others '-)

  2. AS an aside, on the way home if you come through Durango, you might want to stop at Cremeria Wallender, a deli/garden restaurant equal to anything in in NYC!! It is amazing. We made a point of spending the night in Durango just so we could go and have lunch there!

  3. Yes, Zoe, everyone was taking photos in the mask museum, just without flash. Danny's much better--he enjoyed the cabalgata in Jerez immensely. Funny you talk about coming back. We've been saying the same, but coming back at a time when it's not so crowded and with so much to do! :) You all in Mazatlán over Semana Santa??? Great weather I hope?

  4. Oh I remember. Photos without the flash and we couldn't figure out how to turn it off! Duh. I guess there are pros and cons about the visiting times. Very quiet when we were there, but still lots to do. I would like seeing the special cultural offerings and definitely want to try Los Dorados de Villa!! The weather has finally turned the corner to summer and is Just wait.'-) Crowds orderly and having fun, while we perch on our hilltop haven and don't wander too far afield.


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