Sunday, January 8, 2012

Visiting Mazatlán with Kids

Thank you for following VidaMaz all this time. We have now moved over to WordPress, primarily because we want to use just one interface for work and family/personal. Please join us in the new location:

In that new location, if you notice a post that hasn't made the transfer intact, something missing or in need of correction, please let us know! 


Dianne and Greg


  1. What a great list - thank you! Do you mind if I share it in our condo newsletter?

  2. You are most welcome to share the link to this post in your newsletter. I'm glad if some people find it helpful!

  3. This list would be wonderful for all visitors with children. I am updating my book, "Mazatlan IS Paradise." Would you mind if I shared it with my readers while giving you credit?

  4. That would be fine, Chuck. I am happy if readers will find it helpful. Please use the blog url. Thanks and glad to hear you're re-publishing! You also saw that there are a few posts here about coming to Mazatlán with school kids--choosing schools. They might be helpful as well. I trust you are well; haven't seen you in quite some time! Happy Year of the Dragon!

  5. Thanks, Diane--will do. I just saw your CONREHABIT trip on your blog--sweet! I just made a deal with Bodie Kellogg to do my pictures for the book re-write in exchange for a percentage of royalties going to CONREHABIT.

  6. Bodie's doing such a great job with the photo art pieces. I am so happy to see it; great addition to the Mazatlán art scene. I'm sure the book will look great.

    Links to the posts on choosing schools that I mentioned:

    I hope some of it might help. Good luck with the new edition!

  7. Hey there, I just got back from Mazatlan and the last morning there I heard about the November swim to Deer Island. I cannot find any info on this and am interested in giving this a shot. Your blog is the only reference I have located. Do you have any info on this or know whom I may contact? Thanks so much! :)


  8. Dear Shae, the Club de Natación on the malecón coordinates it, to the best of my knowledge. I can ask there, and I also have a few friends who participate. As you know, here things tend not to be planned very far in advance, but I can get you contact info so you can check. I am in Bogotá on business for a couple of weeks, but when I'm back home in MZT I will check and get back to you. Thanks! It's a terrific event. I'm not up to the swim, but I have hoped to go out in kayak to accompany those who get tired and need refreshment. BTW it's called the "Travesía."

  9. Shae, my friends tell me this year's Travesía Annual will be November 1. They all say this with all confidence. Since that's a Thursday, my best guess is it will be Sunday November 4. Show up at Playa Norte, at the swim club, about 7 am or a bit earlier. They swim every day, so when you come down it would be good to get there early on a Thursday or Saturday morning to get to know the group. They said there is now a US American involved in the swim club, and that they'd put me in touch with him. If I hear more I'll let you know. It is sooooo much fun each year! Definitely worth doing if you are able to swim that far.


Thank you for sharing with us what you think!