Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Primera CicloNoche Mazatlán/First Mazatlán Bicycle Night

Thank you for following VidaMaz all this time. We have now moved over to WordPress, primarily because we want to use just one interface for work and family/personal. Please join us in the new location:

In that new location, if you notice a post that hasn't made the transfer intact, something missing or in need of correction, please let us know! 


Dianne and Greg


  1. Hello, I have to say i found your blog really interesting, its always different to read about local news from a foreigner you see life with another view.
    Im glad you like our country so far! :)

  2. Thank you for reading, Verónica. You are Mazatleca? Were you with us on the ride last night?

  3. Dianne, The idea with the ciclonoche is that all of us who are interested in carrying on, show up on the same spot, at the same time, every first wednesday of every month. See you there!

  4. It's a terrific idea to just continue it like this, Héctor; I saw your post in Ciclovias MZT, too. Everyone — show up at the Aquarium at 7:45 on Wednesdays. Hector says there will not be a police escort, at least in the beginning, just a free ride of the cyclists who come. It was a lot of fun so please, turn out!

    Héctor, Brenda tells me they want to pursue something more "official" as well, and I know Angel Olivera (who organized the Sunday malecón closures for bikes) wants to help as well. Hopefully we can build some momentum!!!!


Thank you for sharing with us what you think!