Sunday, September 25, 2011

La Frasca/Shrimping in the Estuary

Thank you for following VidaMaz all this time. We have now moved over to WordPress, primarily because we want to use just one interface for work and family/personal. Please join us in the new location:

In that new location, if you notice a post that hasn't made the transfer intact, something missing or in need of correction, please let us know! 


Dianne and Greg


  1. What an interesting story...thanks so much for writing about this and all the great pictures! The picture with the styrofoam platter with shrimp and limes and a bottle of hot sauce was beautiful. Made me so hungry for shrimp. I envy you for living in such a great place with all this delicious seafood.

  2. So glad you enjoyed the post, Michael! Today we ate a HUGE bunch of the shrimp we got yesterday for our main meal. THEY WERE SO GOOD! Less than 24 hours after those shrimp were removed from the water. Of course, the ones we ate yesterday were direct from the water to our mouths and bellies.

    I take it you don't live near a coast, so I'll send you some virtually! I hope you'll be able to get to Mazatlán and Agua Verde to experience some of this live and in person some day soon.


  4. Thanks for checking out the photos, Mary. I think you and Jim would have really enjoyed it!


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